Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Google is a Monopoly--Who Cares?

Times are changing for Google...for the better.  According to their SEC filings, Google employs over 23,000 people.  They have assets valued at over $30 billion.  A gross profit over $14 billion.  Their stock price has increased from $100 per share in 2004 to $600 per share today.  The two founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the same age as Duffka but are worth considerably more.  Larry Page owns 40,000 shares at about $600 a share his holdings in Google are worth about $24 million.  Shriram Ram was the 1st investor in and currently owns 148,000 shares with a value of approximately $90 million.  All of that aside, Google offers many "free" services which are really supported by the massive amounts of revenue generated by the paid ads from the search engine.  The EU announced at the end of November that they are looking into accusations of how the search engine monopoly is being used to influence the search results to negatively impact competitors.  One of the most vocal complaints was from "Ciao" which is owned by Microsoft.  The Economist claims that because Google has turned itself into a verb it has a form of monopoly power.  The Economist asks the question "Can You Dominate and Not Be Evil?"  What do you think of Google's monopoly power?  Do they have it?  Should they be regulated?



  1. Google should be able maintain their current power without regulations. I know a lot of people who are very fortunate for Google, and have never heard anybody complain about it. For this reason alone, we should not regulate Google.

  2. I think this is silly it's just a website who cares, in a world where we have major cultural issues we are focusing on a dumb website. People need to change their mindset, who cares end of store.

  3. Google is great internet tool. it has beome a verb in some peoples every day vocabulary, and it dominates most peoples search engines on the Internet. However the fact that they are a monopoly doesn't bother me and shouldn't bother most people. I enjoy using google, it makes finding things so easy on the Internet, and its just selfish that people want to regulate google just because they're jelous of how good google is doing and how bad their search engine is doing. I would disagree with regulating google, its not hurting it's users by being a monopoly, I personally don't put any of my money into it.

  4. I think they should be regulated eventually, but not yet. It's only natural for a company to want to expand and join or even create markets that they know they will be profitable in. I only say eventually because as I said before, Google can and will take over the world in the near future.

  5. Google does have a lot of power, but they are using it for good. They are creating advances in technology to help make our lives easier. They are however trying to copy other operating systems to possibly put them out of business. Google is one of the most popular sites ever, and we would be nowhere without it.

  6. Although Google has made itself into essentially a monopoly, it doesn't bother me because they don't charge for their services. They supply the highest quality of their kind of product at no cost, so as long as they're willing to keep producing at no charge, I'm willing to keep using Google.

  7. Google's monopoly power is taking over. That is not necessarily a bad thing. It shouldn't be regulated in my opinion because regulation would only give competitors an advantage that others do not deserve. Why regulate something that is taking off. They worked hard for it to get that far.

  8. I believe Google does dominate, but they are not evil. I use google on a daily basis whether its for music, games, or to look up information. I think they do have a strong power but they shouldn't be regulated.

  9. Google definitely has monopoly power, especially since it's now a verb. I remember years ago when we used other search engines like ask Jeeves and my friends favored the Yahoo search engine, but these days with google.com I barely even notice any other search engines. Personally, I love Google and I don't think they should be regulated. Their efficient and they have very creative, handy ideas. For a website and company only 6 years old, it's already dominating other, older websites.
    If the other search engines are complaining about it's "monopoly power" then it's probably because they know they cant beat it by themselves.
    As a side note, my phone is sponsored by Google and it uses the Bing search engine as a default for the built in search button. I don't know what their complaining about.

  10. I think that google has turned into a monopoly and you can see this by the fact that the term google has become common in society. Although they are a monopoly they shouldn't be regulated because so many people rely on google, if their service was altered, it would have a massive negative effect on society.

  11. I do think that Google is close to being a monopoly. It is the dominate search engine. I think that the government could regulate Google. If the government regulated Google, it would allow it's competitors to actually compete. Most of the consumers do not feel the wrath of Google's monopoly power.

  12. I think it's fine because people can use other search engines like yahoo if they want to but they choose to use google so that's why it is profitable. And they use some of their profit to provide free services to us that are really useful like google calendar. So I don't think it's that bad that they are a monopoly. And I don't think it's a true monopoly because people can come in and create new search engines but they probably just wont be that profitable but the industry is open.

  13. Yes I do think they should be regulated because it has to much power already and that thisnregulation will be good for goodle because google has grown over the past years and some regulation would be good.

  14. I think that google should continue to be unregulated as long as they continue to innovate and improve features they offer.

  15. Google does own most of the market but yahoo and bing are not eliminated from the market yet. Some people use yahoo and bing and wouldn't make sense if they switch to google. Theres no need to be regulated since it is didn't eliminate their biggest competitors.

  16. I think google is very powerful and as long as we don't feel the effects of them being a monopoly, then they should be able to continue what they're doing. However, if we do, google should start to be regulated.

  17. I love google so even if they are a monopoly I don't really care because it's still the same as it's always been. It does not effect me it effects the other producers like yahoo,bing and everything. I don't think they have a monopoly though because yea a lot of people use google but their are still people that use yahoo and bing and stuff everyone just does not use google. But google is the most common.

  18. I definitely think that monopolies can be dominate but not evil. Google may try to run it's competitors out of business and they may act confident and dominate but they don't act very monopolistic. They treat consumers well so that's all that matters to us. Who cares if they bully advertisers and competitors....it's competition for a reason.

  19. Google is definitely a monopoly. It controls a very large majority of the search engine market and most other search engines cannot compete. I think, however, that if one were to try to regulate google, it would have to be by splitting the company into two.

  20. Although google is a monopoly, II believe google should not be regulated, unless other companies are able to establish very similar online tools. Since google is the only provider with those various resources, they can use all the power they have, since they don't abuse the power.

  21. Google can be seen as a utility due to its use by a majority of people searching the internet. It's a special case where Google isn't limiting the quantity of their service at a higher price. Many of the typical effects of a monopoly aren't felt by the consumer. If a company has a problem with Google, they should make a better, mind-blowing product.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I think that google should not be regulated right now. If we regulate them, they will not be able to create new ideas and easier links to help us. If we regulate them, we are only helping competitors who do not deserve them. Google has been around longer then any of the new websites like bing, so google should be allowed to continue to expand.

  24. I don't think that Google should be regulated because other companies can not provide the same service that they do. I believe it's the samewaywiththeiPod. Consumer choice is what makes them so powerful. I don't typically care for bing or yahoo.

  25. Google is a monopoly for sure. As long as Google continues to improve the site, it should not be regulated.

  26. If Google is dominating it doesnt mean its a monopoly. We as users chose it to be the best searching engine even though there are plenty of other not so popular ones. So there is a posibility for them to compete, but we all know, Google just does it better :)

  27. I don't think google should be regulated because even though it may be a monopoly, it doesn't charge anything to consumers for using it's many products, so they aren't under allocating their products, therefore society is still gaining the benefits it would if it was perfect competition, maybe even more benefits. If anyone dared to challenge google, such as bing, that is their risk and fortunately for the consumers it won't hurt us very much.

  28. Because they are currently unregulated, google can supply services for free. Once the government begins to regulate them (if they decide to do so), Google will lose revenue and might have to charge for their services. It's a good thing that google is unregulated because they seem to be helping us more than hurting us.

  29. I believe that google is a monopoly and that it should not be regulated. Also, I don't think it is possible to be dominate and nice at the same time. You need to be evil in order to bring out the negatives in competitors bevuase if you don't then nobody else will realize the negatives in these competitive companies.

  30. Google has been able to dominate in their industry, but I don't think that is a bad thing. There is no immediate charge to consumers, and it seems to me like the company is always trying to make improvements, even though they have no one else to compete with. I think that if the government tried to break up google it would be weird, because "googling" things has become such a part of our culture. However, I understand that companies such as Bing need a fair chance at the market

  31. Although the majority of people use Google, there are other search engines that users can use. Entry is not prohibited in the market, not making Google a monopoly. Google is not charging a price for the use of their services, somthey cannot comtrol the price, and the only harm to consumers is when they target them from ads. If anything needs to be regulated, it is this practice, as it is a breach of privacy. This practice is not limited to Google though, rather the industry. Therefore, the industry as a whole must be regulated to prevent ad targeting, not just Google.

  32. I feel that it's natural for google to want to expand as much as possible. For now, the closest competitor is yahoo, though it only barely competes with google. Government should regulate it eventually, but not yet. It should only regulate it when it is clear that there aren't any competitors that come close to it, though it will happen at some point in time

  33. Google is dominating but as long as they are not negatively affecting us, it shouldn't matter. They are actually making life easier and being smart about it. There are plenty of other search engines but google works better and easier.

  34. while Google has most of the power in the industry, it does not need to be regulated yet. google is not taking advantage of its users, it is simply helping them. google does not control th entir industry...yahoo bing and ciao are some competitors of google.

    it does sound wierd to say "just yahoo it" though....

  35. Google is definitly a monoply.I don't think it needs to be regulated because it's a very popular search engine that many people use. If other search engine providers have a problem with google they should just come up with something better.

  36. I think google is a good monopoly. The search engine they provide is one of the strongest and most successful resource. I have never came across someone who feels googles services are unfair. I use google at least 5 times a day to help me finish my thoughts by typing in a couple words i get what i need. It's a very helpful source so who cares that they are becoming stronger, google is a source we need.

  37. Google should not be regulated now because if its monopolistic power is regulated then we do not get updates that are more convient for us. If regulated, the competitors of google will benefit but everyone who uses google will be hurt.

  38. Although Google has risen to the top of the search engine industry, easily identifiable as a monopoly, I don't mind. Their services are free, and many of their applications, like Google calendar or Google Docs, are efficient and helpful. The ads are annoying, no doubt, but if Google continues to expand its services and offer them for free, I won't complain.

  39. Although it does not benefit other search engine companies, google benefits consumers more than anything. Google may be somewhat of a monopoly but we all use it daily so it would affect us if they regulated it. It also causes other search engines to compete so it's semi a good thing.

  40. I'd consider Google a monopoly. I don't believe Google shouldn't be regulated by any means. As long as they aren't affecting human rights and are legally operating, they should be left alone. Just because a company is successful doesn't mean it earns the privileges of getting regulated.

  41. The are not quite a monopoly, since they have competitors such as yahoo and bing and such. But they should still be regulated so they don't become one, even tho it hasn't quite affected us yet in a negative way

  42. Google is very powerful but I think they should stay unregulated, sometimes power if used in the right way isn't a bad thing. Google is used on a daily basis by thousands, helping them with many things and making it easier on us. If we regulated them then they wouldn't be able to keep at the top of their game and come up with new things that help us.

  43. Yes google is a monopoly! They basically dominate the Internet but since we don't have to pay for their services, we as consumers will always win and do not feel the need to have google regulated

  44. I don't think they should regulate google. Since the Internet is relatively new, it is hard to determine what constitutes a monopoly. Also, many people said google as a verb before it was made one just because of their excellent service offered. Google hasn't bought out other search engines so they don't have complete control of the market.

  45. I think google is very close to being a monopoly because they do have a lot of power but they still do have a lot of competitors. The competitors feel the power of google more than we do because we don't have to pay to use the search engine but their competitors have to compete for revenue

  46. I think that google should be somewhat regulated because I don't want them to have the ability to see personal info. I don't think they are a monopoly because there are other search sites available.

  47. Not a monopoly yet, not a paid service, doesn't need to be regulated, there are other search engines out there they just aren't as popular as google. Let's see how google can expand even more

  48. I don't believe Google has real monopoly power because it's not forcing the people who use the search engine to pay money for it so they can't create inefficiency like a real monopoly normally does by selling at a price much higher than the cost it took to produce it. Since they have no real control over a price I don't believe they are a monopoly.

  49. I think Google may operate as a near-monopoly, in a monopolistic competition, but I do not think they are a pure monopoly, or ever will be. There are so many comparable search engines, many that are set as defaults in various internet browsers, making them quite frequently by the average consumer who does not think the marginal benefit of changing their default search engine exceeds the cost. I feel this effort by the competitors often increases the demand for them, keeping Google in check. Google is also losing monopoly power, in my mind, as they expand further into industries already dominated by other near-monopolies, with google docs and even gmail, which facebook is now competing with.

  50. I don't really think google is a monopoly... People don't even pay for their services. Other search engines are available, but they don't offer services like gmail or google docs. The only reason we use google is because it has many different capabilities, and now it's the social norm. Other websites like ask.com and the yahoo search engine don't offer the things google does. I don't thnk google can be penalized for what they are doing. They dont need to be regulated because they aren't really doing anythingnexcept providing multiple services in one convenient website

  51. I think google has a monopoly power over the Internet because they're the main search engine and companies want their name to appear first when people are searching in google. Google is gay. Also if you think about it, a lot of the time when you download different programs on the internet it sometimes asks you if you want to install a google toolbar as well. I don't think they should be regulated because they really aren't putting any other companies out of business like yahoo or bing from Microsoft.

  52. I don't think google should be regulated because it employs many people and is profitable. Consumers find it very useful and benefit majorly from how google currently operates. The competitors of google make it not monopolistic. Our preference to use it over the others, however, makes us forget that the competitors exist

  53. Just because google has the best product and thus gets the largest share of the market doesn't mean it's a monopoly. If people want to compete, then they have to innovate and be better, google did, and that's why it's so successful.

  54. Google does not have a monopoly over the search engine market. Google does have name recognition and high demand, which can't be regulated. Simply because the market posseses high demand does not mean google is taking advantage of consumers like other monopolists. Google should be able to expand if their demand is as well.

  55. I think google could operate as a monopoly and not have a big negative impact. The larger google grows the more jobs will open and the more controlled the internet would be. At this point the government doesn't need to regulate because google's performance is doing fine and increasing at this point

  56. Google easily has monopoly power in the Internet. It is a great tool and i know that it is the first search engine I use on the Internet. I think that google should be regulated because of their monopoly, but I also think that they need competition. Other firms need to be more innovative and create something better than them.

  57. If google isnt being regukated right now and there is nothing wrong with them then they dont need ro be regulatwd.

  58. Although google is a monopoly, it assists society by providing many beneficial tools, such as gmail, Google calendar and Google Docs. Google shouldn't be regulated because it doesn't provide any harm, and it shouldn't be punished for being an innovative and universal search engine.

  59. Google has no monopoly on any aspect of the Internet, simply because they have an excellent business model. They have superior services and do not charge the consumer for them. Why would you penalize that?

  60. I don't think google needs to be regulated. It has plenty of competitors like yahoo and bing, and it is still the best thing available. They are somewhat of a monopoly, but that's only because competitors can't really make a noticeably better product.

  61. Since Google was able to have a search engine like no other, they should be considered as a powerhouse. However, since Google has competitors such as Yahoo! or Bing, they are not necessarily a monopoly.

  62. I believe that the government should investigate into google to insure that they are not using their monopoly power to abuse their compeitors, however if it is found to be doing so it should not attempt to regulate it until they have a comprehensive understanding of both the effects of regulating and not regulating it. Eventually google will have grown too large and become stagnant perhaps regulating them will slow or prevent this allowing them to continue to be innovative.

  63. If google began to charge the customers that used google, they should be charged for being a monopoly. Because google continues to be innovative (unlike a monopoly) and improves their product, it should be allowed to continue being a "monopoly" unless someone can prove they are abusing their power.

  64. I don't think google has a monopoly just yet, they are continuing to be innovative and incereasing technology and efficiency. There are other competitors like yahoo and bing. Like we talked about in class, a monopoly has no incentive to be more efficient or get better technology and that is exactly what google is doing. So no I do not think they are a monopoly. They should not be regulated because they continues to produce products for us that help us out.

  65. Though Google is basically a monopoly since it's by far the dominant search engine, it is a free service so I don't really see a point in government regulation from the consumer perspective. It must stink to be a competitive search engine that can't even compete, but as a consumer, Google gets great search results and doesn't charge for it, so I wouldn't really use any other one anyways.
