According to the Wall Street Journal, the oil spill has hurt tourism so apparently spring breakers are better than empty beaches. All over the Gulf Coast, vacation communities hurt by the oil spill see spring break as critical to reviving their economies and kickstarting tourism before the important summer season . Panama City Beach tourism officials have held promotional events at coffee shops near the campuses of the University of Chicago, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and Ohio State University, offering attendees Panama City Beach-embossed T-shirts, coolers and koozies (those insulated sleeves that keep your soda or beer cold) and raffling off prizes including Southwest Airlines gift cards.
The Wall Street Journal also reported that Spring break is the third biggest tourism month for Panama City Beach, after June and July. The city typically brings in $101 million during March. In recent years, about 300,000 students have descended on its beaches, clubs and bars during spring break.
Is this gift enough to get college students to go to Panama City?
Spring Break has always been an interesting event to Duffka. Viacom, owner of MTV, receives $200,000 from a lucky town each year to host their Spring Break bonanza hosted by societal antagonist Jerry Springer.
This year Duffka will consider easy Spring Break choices like Chicago, Glenview, and home to celebrate the "readying of the fields." Which, after all, is why we have a spring break anyways. Do you see the word "diet" in the picture below?
Pictures courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.